Rabu, 07 September 2011

Career Change - Change Careers or Change Employers?


There are a number of causes persons locate themselves evaluating their careers. Maybe you lose interest or you discover some thing that interests you alot more. Possibly your organization is downsizing. The 1st step to take is to make positive what you actually want to do is alter careers. Following are 10 considerations to ensure a path toward career change achievement.

(1) Assess your likes and dislikes - A lot of persons alter careers considering that they dislike their job, their boss or their corporation. Identifying the dislikes and examine your likes. What do you definitely like doing when you are at function, when you are at property - in your spare time? What are you passionate about? If you are not certain, give consideration to taking a career assessment test.

(2) Analysis new careers - Invest some time researching the sorts of careers that involve your passions.

(3) Transfer skills - Leverage your present skills and experiences to your new career. There are many skills (i.e. communications, leadership, planning, etc.) that are transferable and applicable to what you want to do in your new career.

(four) Training and education - You may possibly acquire it necessary to update your skills and broaden your information. If the skill you need to find out is one you could use in your present job, see if your existing employer would be willing to pick up the tab.

(five) Network - One of the keys to successfully changing careers will be your capability to network. Folks in your network could possibly be able to give you job leads, deliver you advice and details about a specific organization or business and introduce you to others to expand your network. Even if you do not think you already have a network, you quite possibly do - give consideration to colleagues, friends and household members.

(6) Gain encounter - Preserve in mind that you are essentially beginning your career once more from square one. Obtaining a component-time job or volunteering in your new career field not only can solidify your choice but give you a lot necessary expertise in your new career. Also, take into account temping in your new field to gain knowledge.

(7) Acquire a mentor - Your mentor may possibly be able to aid you by taking benefit of his or her network.

(8) Alter in or alter out - Some men and women change careers, but never ever change employers. Bear in mind not to get started asking about a job switch until you are absolutely prepared to do so.

(9) Job hunt - Prepare your resume, cover letter and references. Make contact with those in your network. Seek recruiters and search for job openings in newspapers and over the internet.

(10) Be flexible - A new career could involve anything from accepting a lower salary at initially to relocating to producing a lateral move as a springboard for a bigger career change. Also, think of starting your own business or consulting as other avenues.

Use these suggestions and do some analysis to figure out if you are genuinely interested in a career change, or just interested in altering employers.

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