Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Brand: You, Creating and Self-Marketing Yourself to Find a Job During Tough Times

career brand is a picture that shows you as the expert in your field, attracts your ideal employer, and reveals how they can help their business. How can you promote your brand efficiently career, as pointed out by increasing competition among the workforce? Self-marketing!

Before you start your self-marketing, you must understand:
First What will the market about yourself
Second Who you going to market yourself
Third What are you going to market to them

This article offers some important tools to develop your career brand and understand your self-marketing plan.

Objectives Self-Marketing
First Provide direction to eliminate trial and error. As a result, save time and money.
Second Network with key industry.
Third Identify your transferable skills. Marketing of these skills, not just a job history and accomplishments, puts you in greater demand (ie, more interviews).
4th Determine what other industry your transferable skills fit u.Industrije are in effect on the success of your career. The market in growing industries (green collar, biotechnology, food, IT). Steer away from dying 5th industries (textiles, printing, paper, steel production, etc.).
6th Resolve any impasse that has hurt your career and prevent you from getting interviews. Rebuild your resume so that you are not running as a "job hopper", "no education" or "can not advance to the company ".

Create Your Own Mission Statement
Just as the mission to provide direction and purpose for the company, individuals can benefit from their personal mission too.

Your mission says what is important to you. Write your prior career to be on the right path and connect with companies that share similar values ​​and beliefs. You can review or write a new career crossroads. His sense of purpose is a great motivation!

which include:
First Objectives - The expectations of life (short and long term)
Second Core values ​​- who you are and what your priorities are
Third Successes - Professional, personal, etc.
4th Offer - How you can make a difference in the world, your family, your employer or future employers, friends and the community

integration Estimates Your Career Branding
Career and personality assessments show a consistent pattern in your traits, characteristics, strengths, preferences and sposobnosti.Rezultati assessment can lead you into a new career direction. If you have an established career, they will tell you how well your properties and brand messaging to align with my career.

present their distinctive features and attention to your target employers. Keep in mind that not all the repeating pattern contribute to good brands (eg, introversion). Ignore any pattern you feel is not really you.

Include assessment results in careers brand materials: resume, cover letter, elevator speech, interview answers, portfolio, business card, etc. to convey a consistent brand message in all these materials. But you can use a different brand statements for various industries.

tag! You're "it"!
Self-marketing is not just about selling your specific skills. Everyone has the ability. They came in the door, but not necessarily get the job. There may be 100 or more applicants per job, and they all have the same or better skills and more. How can you stand out as "one "?

Making line.Veliki tag-tag-line tells people exactly what the product is and how it will benefit from using. This is what employers want to know about you! Specifically, how will you help them save money. Tell them how much money you helped a previous or current employer or to save on a specific project, or sales period.

Dear Career Magazine ...
Did you keep a diary or journal when you were young? She has helped to express feelings when no one else would listen, or you do not want to listen to someone else! Also, a journal can help and guide us in our professional adult life too.

In an article published in a career you set aside time to think and learn more about yourself and your career. Just like when you were younger, using the magazine allows to express emotions (good and bad) about career advancement. When you read the past entries, see how far you've come!

Use a journal of his career:
First Write your personal mission statement
Second Respond to self-assessment tests
Third Does the SWOT (strengths / weaknesses / opportunities / threats) analysis
4th Assess your current situation
5th Think about your successes and failures
6th Develop ideas ever (breaking into a new career as a volunteer or consultant) goal
7th Consider alternative career
8th Establish a daily or weekly careers related to the objectives and tasks
9th Develop action plans to achieve their goals and objectives
10th make checks
11th Recording a network of contacts, job interview results, etc.
12th Materials development work (cover letters, resumes, thank you letters, etc.) correspondence
13 years. Practice Job Interview Questions and Answers
14th Gather information, salary
15 years. Jot down ideas and information that you like and want to use in future
16 years. Record the things you want or need to learn skills to improve the
17th Discover and explore their values ​​in the workplace
18 years. Take your job-related likes and dislikes (and employers' likes and dislikes)
19th NOTE: Lessons Learned
20th Develop ways to improve workplace
21st Overview of trends in job search
22nd Develop plans to achieve promotion
23rd Document the career of his peers who want to emulate
24th Prepare for conducting reviews

does not get his career magazine in the workplace. Keep it at home on your PC or notebook. Try to set a regular time to work on the issue, maybe right after work. Perhaps before work to get motivated and focused on what you can do that day!

Your journal is always ready, and no matter where your career path takes you, you can continue to use throughout their professional life.

key marketing tools:

Strategic Marketing Plan
Plan your answers to these questions:
First What I realized where I am now, and where my career would be if you can not do?
Second Where I want to go with my career?
Third How to get to where I want to go?
4th How can I put my plan into action?
5th What do I need to change if I am not getting success?

market research
Understand the trends in the career field. Consult resources such as the U.S. Department of Labor's occupational Outlook Handbook. Interview professionals. Study the company you want to work. Use this information to the cover letter, resume and job interviews.

marketing mix
You are probably already familiar with the 4 P marketing, or "marketing mix" 4 P are the product, promotion, place, and price. Translate this in terms you and your career, job search success.

You are a product with unique characteristics, features and capabilities. Expose your "product features" in the tag-line and continue. Let employers know your work experience, leadership experience, professional membership, technical skills, education and training.

Make sure that your on-line marketing tools (such as Facebook or Myspace) cleaned up and ready to employer. You do not want a potential employer to see something on your own personal networking sites that will land you in trouble.

Do not forget the "packaging" in order to properly introduce yourself and your credentials to prospective employers.

This is your cover letter, resume, telephone calls, correspondence and interviews. Promotion tools include everything that you can use to get a job interview and eventually got a job offer.
Being memorable use of multimedia marketing such as e-mail, monitoring telephone calls, or try a regular priority mail envelope to send resumes, cover letters and other "marketing materials". It increases your career brand and uniqueness.

This includes employers everywhere can access. As you approach employers or people who can connect you with employers?
First Internet job search and apply to job advertisements
Second cold calling
Third Networking with current and former co-workers, colleagues and former
4th Speaking with recruiters on staff and employment agencies and company HR departments
5th Visit your university career centers and alumni offices
6th Attendance at professional association meetings and seminars

Price includes all aspects of compensation you receive from potential employers, as well as their strategies in order to get the price you want, and that the employer feels that you deserve. Your price includes not only wages but also insurance, benefits, paid time off and benefits.

Call in the SWOT Team!
Conducting a SWOT analysis, and is used in marketing planning, it is useful to use in career planning. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. He replied:
First What are your strengths and weaknesses (in your internal environment)?
Second What are the opportunities and threats in the career field (the external environment )?

Inside, the positive aspects that can be used on, such as:
First Work experience
Second education
Third Technical skills and knowledge (eg computer skills)
4th Personal characteristics (eg, a superior work ethic)
5th Strong network of contacts
6th Participation in professional associations and organizations
7th Enjoying what you do

Inside, the negative aspects that you intend to improve, such as:
First Lack of experience
Second Inconsistent with the main job search
Third Lack of specific job skills
4th Weak technical knowledge
5th Weak skills (leadership, interpersonal, communication, teamwork)
6th Weak job-hunting skills
7th Negative personal characteristics (eg, no motivation, indecisiveness, laziness)
8th Weaknesses identified in the past appraisals
Outside, the positive conditions beyond your control, but you think to use or add value:
First Area trends * creating more jobs (eg, globalization, technology)
Second The field needs your skill set
Third Opportunities for advancement in your field
4th place
5th Strong network

Outside, negative conditions beyond your control, but you May be able to overcome:
First * Area trends to reduce jobs (eg, reduction, obsolescence)
Second Companies are hiring people from its major / degree
Third Competition from college graduates with the same degree
4th Competitors with superior skills, experience or knowledge
5th Athletes who attended a better school
6th Limited progress in their area (too competitive)
7th Limited professional development in your area
8th Find employment / employment trends in your area. Go online at ABI / INFORM, News Bank, a lexis / Nexis.

After completing the SWOT analysis, the results add to the strategic marketing plan. Also, use the SWOT results to develop the following in your plan:
First Career goals
Second Marketing strategy
Third The action plan with deadlines

Elevator Speech
Elevator Speech is clear, concise introduction that can be delivered in the time it takes to ride an elevator from the top to the bottom of the building. It can be as short as 15 seconds or until three minutes. Write your Elevator Speech, and to practice, so it comes naturally. Be ready to deliver!

Use it to:
First Networking events (including "unconventional" ones, such as shopping)
Second Career fairs
Third Cold calls to employers
4th Voice-mail
5th Your current job, when you run the more up-
6th Job interview when asked, "Why should I hire you?" and "Tell me about yourself"

Your Elevator Speech include:
Second your Name
Third Your industry or field
4th Accomplishments, background, qualifications and skills
5th If you're graduating soon, what school and what degree of
6th What do you want to do and why
7th Why enjoy what you do or want to do
8th What interests you about the listener company / business
9th What is different from other
10th Your tag-line that you have developed!
11th Your mission that you have developed!

Finally, capture their interests and demands action.
First At the career fair, "can I get your business cards, and give you my card and go Can you add your company's interview schedule"
Second Networking: "What advice do you have for me, because employers do not suggest you talk to?"
Third On a cold call, "When we meet to discuss how I can help your business Can I send you my resume ?"

READ MORE - Brand: You, Creating and Self-Marketing Yourself to Find a Job During Tough Times

Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

Sample Cover Letter For High School Students

Many teenagers who undergo high school looking for part time or full time for making džeparac.Posao can be the experience of building a stepping stone, if you already know what type of career you want to do in the future. Today there is a huge number of jobs available to high school. You just need to prepare an effective letter if you want a decent job.

In this article I want to give a sample of high school cover letter that will help high school students, especially juniors and seniors who want to enter the work force.

Your name
Your address
Your City, State, ZIP code
Your Phone #
Your e-


Name of Employer
City, State, ZIP code

Dear Mr. / Ms Surname,

I am responding to the employment opportunity listed on your website. Please accept this letter and accompanying resume as evidence of my interest in applying for this job. I feel my qualifications and my skills will prove to be an asset to your organization.

I have recently gone through high school from the famous school. Now, I'm looking to honor the work that will add experience to my career. Here are some of my key strengths that I bring to the position. I am a:

2nd Disciplined.
3.Izvrstan communicator.
4th Very willing and wanting to learn new things.
5th Exceptional on customer service.
5th A great team of workers.

Accepting challenges is the foundation of my life experience and something I do with confidence. You'll find me totally committed individual with pride in being direct, spontaneous and communicative. I can keep a record, performing numerical calculations with accuracy and I need a little direction complete assigned tasks. These are the traits that make an excellent candidate for this post.

I was responsible for managing and organizing various important activities in my school. I even participated in numerous cultural activities. I have knowledge of MS Word, PowerPoint, MS Excel and Internet.

I would appreciate your consideration of my credentials. If you think that there is mutual interest, I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to hear more about your company, the requirements of the position, and how my skills would be a good fit.

Thanks in advance for your consideration.


your signature

You have entered the name of

I hope my article will help in the preparation of high quality and eye-catching high school student cover letter.

READ MORE - Sample Cover Letter For High School Students